We source elusive and exclusive products from around the world and bring them to your doorstep.
At www.TheBeautyWarehouse.ca we strive to bring you the most sought after exclusive product lines.
No, you won't find the usual here...this is not the store for the stuff you would buy at your local drugstore.
Here, you will find incredibly high quality products, sourced directly from manufacturers in Canada, Italy, Germany, London and North America.
We buy manufacturer direct to ensure only the finest of products. These items are shipped straight from the factory to us and housed in our warehouses awaiting your orders.
We don't utilize drop-shipping companies to process your orders because we insist on checking, packing and verifying your orders ourselves; this, ensures only the greatest service from our doorstep to your doorstep.
Thank-you for shopping at www.TheBeautyWarehouse.ca
The Beauty Warehouse Team